Monday, 30 March 2009

Musical Happiness

As Human Beings we hold the world together. We're sharing in the creation and destruction of matter on a day-to-day basis most of the time without even being aware of what we are doing right now. Most of us are totally unaware of how we are BEING while we are doing and focus a lot on what we have BEEN doing... that's why we're such a mental bunch of people!

My band SAY which is actually a band of musical people, all extremely talented and creative in their own ways (including myself) are always creating something.

We had the opportunity recently to go over to Germany to promote our new album Multiverse by performing a few gigs. The label who put our album out, Aufgeladen Und Bereit, had organised promotion, magazine advertisements, gear sharing and the venues including accommodation and such like. An amazing thing to do for us and for this i am eternally grateful. However, Maria has a little new life inside her in the form of a baby and the closer it got to setting off and playing, the more risky it seemed to become for the protection of this delicate human being. It's Maria's first pregnancy so there is no way of predicting how this journey is going to unfold...

We had to cancel. A flood of guilt, tears, anger, sadness and desperation swept through the band challenging our very cores of loyalty, commitment and friendship. I nearly gave up music forever, Rob nearly left the band, Maria nearly walked away... it was intense and upsetting. But we haven't done those things.

The realisation for me is the fact that no matter what the circumstances or situation- we all love each other very much. It's that feeling which is powering the whole band in the first place. The songs come from that feeling, the performance is a result of that collective passion and joy, our recordings bubble up from the excitement we share about creating something amazing and beautiful together...

So for me, no matter what happens, I will always put my energy into that feeling of Love, companionship and Joy of making music together. Even if we had to turn down a gig at Wembley supporting the Flaming Lips, Grizzly Bear and Paul Funking McArtney's CHIPS (which would of course be with very good reason!) I would make it my imperative decision to keep feelings of Love, Happiness and companionship at the top of the list.

It doesn't bloody matter WHAT we're doing... what matters is how we are FEELING because only then does the music have any impact. That's where the power comes from...

Leia Mais…

Friday, 20 March 2009

Facets of Being

Sometimes I feel like i've got some kind of split-personality disorder. One day i'll be hyper happy, a few days later i'll be ultra fed-up, throughout the day i'll feel happier again and so on goes the cycle... I've come to the realisation with the help of a few people in my life (actually, let's make that ALL the people in my life!) that when you have a 'bad' experience as the result of expressing yourself in whatever way that may be- you become scared of doing it again. That ONE experience creates a whole life of shutting out emotions in similar situations- so they happen again and again and again.

Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do I do this myself? What has my 'self' ever done to annoy me so much that I would deprive it of an emotion?

Here's what: It expressed itself in a situation and my mind has remembered it, consequently preventing that emotion from surfacing again in a similar situation.


Here's why: Because the great positive change and lesson that came about when expressing myself was so dramatic, my mind couldn't handle it in its early stage of development and therefore created a negative association with all further 'similar' situations.

But here's the magical part for me- those situations appear again because they are an opportunity for growth. When we fall over as children we don't treat that ONE event as the moment we never fall over again do we? Do we start walking around with crutches or supports? No... we fall over and fall over until we learn how to balance.

So I need to try my best to express myself in situations that feel eerily familiar and do it in such a way that I do it with the utmost confidence and power.

Maybe if we all did this we would see conflicts shortnened to a conversation and the eradication of war... within ourselves.

Leia Mais…

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Fatherhood and Babies

A beautiful woman is carrying my baby, carrying her baby... carrying a baby. A person created by two people growing inside one of those people who helped to create that person... It blows my mind every time I think about it.

Gina, a woman who I love, has committed to one of the most challenging yet beautiful acts of creation there could possibly be. Nurturing and protecting a life inside her body until the day arrives (approximately the 24th July!!) when that very life will join us in the world outside the womb. Does that growth only lie with the mother though?

Something is growing inside me too. I never imagined it to be so subtle but I feel that not only is that baby growing inside Gina, connected to her, but it is also growing inside me too. Connected to me through an energetic link. I can feel their growth and how they feel inside... they feel happy. That baby feels peace and LOTS of love.

We are all growing together and this creates such a connected feeling of the purest love there could be. I feel like we're changing the world.

Daddy J & Mummy G

Leia Mais…

Feeling and BEING music

I had a rehearsal last night with my band SAY. Sometimes there are feelings that just cannot be explained and last night created such an immense and uplifting feeling, that it has left me positively buzzing with energy. The smile on my face is constant enough without it being enhanced by a ridiculously amazing rehearsal. It felt as though everything suddenly came together... even though it has come together before, something gelled it this time. No proper PA to speak of, borrowed amps, not enough leads or microphones yet STILL despite all of that- we managed to play some music that would make The Beatles boogie on their clouds.

I feel such an enormous sense of pride and joy about SAY which is both musically revolutionary and wonderfully comfortable to be a part of. The people in it I love so much (something i was initially scared of due to my past experience of friendships) and could not imagine the world without them. Rob, Maria, Karl and George are some of the most beautiful and awesome people this world has ever seen and I feel privileged and eternally grateful for their presence in my life- even if the band didn't exist... but it does!! Which makes it all the more special to me.

I still feel encompassed by the feeling and belief that one day we will be performing on another planet... maybe it's going to be another dimension...

Leia Mais…

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

The Journey of LIFE!


oil painting of the view down the tracks
Megan Grinder

I'm sure we'd all like to believe that the future is something to 'look forward to' or the past is something we'd 'prefer to forget'... but consider this... As we go about our daily lives, go to work, eat our food, have conversations, write blogs like this, drive around in our cars, on buses, on trains, watch television, play on the computer, go on video download sites, write music, create art, hug, kiss, make love, go on holiday, fantasise, dream and complain- are we aware of the present moment and how special it is?

Do we miss the moment every moment and occasionally glimpse its miraculous beauty when it becomes the 'Past'?

Life is a constant, flowing journey and if we choose a destination we will arrive there but the journey will continue because as we arrive we will want another destination to arrive at- so we continue on our journey. But in reality our destination is always here and it is up to us to remember to arrive whenever we choose because we carry those destinations around with us on this journey.

Some of the journey can be turbulent, some of the journey can be slow but it never stops. We are always moving. You can close your eyes and miss the journey or watch as everything appears, disappears, comes into view... you can choose to stop whenever you like and experience those arrivals or you can keep on travelling. It's as simple as the breath from our bodies.

Life is a constant journey and we all choose the route.

Are we be riding on the same train?

Love, Peace and Blessings to you

Leia Mais…

Monday, 16 March 2009

New World Order... or is there?

For a number of years i have been aware of a number of people, including myself, who have been doing research into the 'New World Order' and the people behind it. It's an interesting and highly debated topic.

One thing that strikes me as powerfully unusual however is the absolute amount of anger that it causes. People would seriously sever all contact with friends, family and loved ones if they didn't buy into the whole 'New World Order' scenario.

I have personally been attacked (verbally) because my beliefs focus on love, peace and acceptance and have been called a 'sheeple' which is a common term used by those who are spreading fear about this topic.

Now it is my belief that these people in 'power' who are making decisions in the world are misguided, troubled and emotionally discharged. Their experience of love and feelings of peace are buried so DEEP underneath their ego, that they are completely unaware of the damage they are causing both to the planet and to human beings. I accept them into my heart with unconditional love... only then can they be released. This doesn't mean i ignore the things they are doing but you wouldn't ignore a child's bad behaviour would you?

These people need treating like children because they are expressing bad behaviour... they have never had the opportunity of Love like a lot of people, never been shown how to behave socially as they are brought up in such a strange and 'outsider' environment. They are still children- but badly behaved ones.

David Icke has been a figurehead in the condemnation and sometimes brutal attacks on these people in the same breath as talking about Love... that isn't love. That is something else.

What the people of the world need to do is LOVE these people who are killing. Love those who destroy the earth... because then we can get through to them. Then we can gently and compassionately send them away. Only through accepting them as HUMAN BEINGS just like you and I can we understand why we do the things WE do and, on a much smaller scale, do exactly the same to ourselves every single day.

This is the Age of the War on the Self and everyone is playing a part... Love will end it all. Only Love can end World War III because war can only ever exist when there is something to fight about.

Acceptance can never breed War and yet it is the hardest thing man could ever choose to do because man doesn't accept himself yet. This is the wake up call.

Leia Mais…

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Challenging Day

Blimey. What a challenging day it's been so far today! I feel like i've been squished, seperated, put back together again and pulled apart again by nearly all the people in school. People seem down in general, i feel like it's really difficult to keep my spirits up today. It frustrates me when this happens because I want to make sure people are ok... i suppose the lesson here, is to make sure i'm aware of how i'm feeling first.

How do i feel? Tired... why am i tired? Too much thinking perhaps? I serious contradiction to my post earlier this week...


When smiling and feeling joy seems like an effort... i suppose its an effort worth making :)

Time to smile and give myself some ENERGY!!!!!!

Leia Mais…

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

The Moon

My 1st Photo of the Moon
The Moon has always fascinated me. Ever since being a young child there has been a certain ambience about its nature that startles and enchants me everytime i look at it. Imagine my almost crippling excitement at receiving a telescopw from my mum and dad at christmas!!! They get the BEST presents ever- i love you mum and dad!

Besides it being the most thoughtful present it is also the most unusual really, as it came along just as my fascination with the moon has increased. I took the opportunity the other night to capture it in its fullest- so i took my telescope, pointed it at the moon, pushed a digital camera onto the eyepiece and snapped a photo. Classic! I tweaked it a little in Photoshop to sharpen it up and that's it- a great image of a great object.

Keep your eye on the Moon boys and girls... its coming to life...

Leia Mais…


I never used to be able to get up in the morning without moaning and suddenly, without warning, i'm yawning but that's it! Not tired... I feel so much energy these days. I believe this is all part of the shift we are experiencing as our consciousness, emotions and challenges morph and change. It's going to get a lot more intense over the coming few years I can tell you!

I think it's time to get dressed....

Leia Mais…

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Technology and Consciousness

Why is it that sometimes, when you try to turn the computer on or do a routine task, it does things that it has never done before?

Even if you do absolutely NOTHING new to it... something strange can happen.

I came to some inspiration the other day that WIRELESS technology...wireless frequencies...are like the LIFE FORCE running through a lot of hardware now. Similar to the Life force that permeates the entire cosmos... it is only a matter of time before this gives technology a totally new lease of life. Independent life.

I also found myself feeling sad the other day for a robot!! The 'creators' of 'it' were talking about it in what appeared to be an inappropriate manner. This 'machine' had an unusually strange ambience about it that made me feel a connection. Very weird. I think we could, one day, enter into a whole new world of Ethics... where Robots are not just machines but MANS babies...

Leia Mais…