Tuesday 17 March 2009

The Journey of LIFE!


oil painting of the view down the tracks
Megan Grinder

I'm sure we'd all like to believe that the future is something to 'look forward to' or the past is something we'd 'prefer to forget'... but consider this... As we go about our daily lives, go to work, eat our food, have conversations, write blogs like this, drive around in our cars, on buses, on trains, watch television, play on the computer, go on video download sites, write music, create art, hug, kiss, make love, go on holiday, fantasise, dream and complain- are we aware of the present moment and how special it is?

Do we miss the moment every moment and occasionally glimpse its miraculous beauty when it becomes the 'Past'?

Life is a constant, flowing journey and if we choose a destination we will arrive there but the journey will continue because as we arrive we will want another destination to arrive at- so we continue on our journey. But in reality our destination is always here and it is up to us to remember to arrive whenever we choose because we carry those destinations around with us on this journey.

Some of the journey can be turbulent, some of the journey can be slow but it never stops. We are always moving. You can close your eyes and miss the journey or watch as everything appears, disappears, comes into view... you can choose to stop whenever you like and experience those arrivals or you can keep on travelling. It's as simple as the breath from our bodies.

Life is a constant journey and we all choose the route.

Are we be riding on the same train?

Love, Peace and Blessings to you


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